Consider carefully the things I have taught and the things I have not taught. I have not taught that the world is eternal. I have not taught that the world is not eternal. I have not taught that the world is finite. I have not taught that the world is infinite. I have not taught that the soul and the body are the same. I have not taught that the soul and the body are different. I have not taught that the liberated person exists after death. I have not taught that he does not exist after death.
Why have I not taught all this? Because all this is useless, it has nothing to do with real Truth; it does not lead to cessation of passion, to peace, to supreme wisdom, to the holy life, or to Nirvana. That is why I have not taught all this. And what have I taught? I have taught that suffering exists, that suffering has an origin, and that suffering has an end.
Why have I taught this? Because this is useful, it has to do with real Truth: it leads to the cessation of passion, it brings peace, supreme wisdom, the holy life, and Nirvana. That is why I have taught all this. Therefore, consider carefully what I have taught and what I have not taught.


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