
What is Manav Dharam Dharma is the practical experience of God. When a dumb man tastes candy, he experiences its sweetness, but he is incapable of describing it. Similarly, someone who has the divine experience forgets himself totally and is silent – this state of silence is ‘dharma’. So, dharma is the experience of the Self which is within each one of us. Swami Vivekananda said, “Religion means realisation”. When people preserve this experience in their lives, it is dharma. In other words, dharma is not book-knowledge but the practical experience of the Self and this experience is called atma-gyan or self-realisation. Real dharma is self-realisation. So self-realisation is the soul of dharma. It is the basis of all religions; it is religion in its purest form. By bringing it into our lives we are not only evolving ourselves, but helping the human race to evolve. That is the true religion of mankind, and that is manav dharma. Nowadays, we have restricted ourselves, we have encase...
ENLIGHTEN THE INDIVIDUAL-ENLIGHTEN THE UNIVERSE Being the unit of society, family, party or the nation, man is the pivot of global phenomena. If we see unrest, turmoil, violence and terrorism on a universal scale, surely men are behind these inhumane and heinous crimes. So all the news channels, papers and magazines describe those people at length along with sickening incidents of killing and destruction. People read or listen and go through other news the next day presenting more bloody scenes. But who in fact is behind the destruction, violence and terror? If we go deeply into it, we find that the mind is the entity responsible for all such destructive trends and chaos. The mind may be invisible but it takes over a person and surpasses all boundaries of social correctness. “Wars begin in the minds of men and it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be established.” The great souls always inspired individuals to transform society. They interact...

Manav Dharam

What is the Power which energizes you? What is the mystery behind the process of respiration? What is the vital energy on which everything depends? That life-energy isn't something which can be expressed verbally, yet it is the source of all languages. It is invisible, yet it makes us see. It cannot be known through logic or philosophy, yet the powers of reason and memory spring from it. It is the Self in every single being and experiencing it, realizing it, is our natural dharam, or Manav Dharam ('the dharam of mankind').  Manav Dharam is realizing one’s own innate potential and to evolving it to its ultimate levels. It means realising the common bond which encompasses the whole universe. It is universal, eternal, ever present and beyond matter and mind. Man is not merely a mechanism of body and mind but is Spirit in its truest sense. This is why it is said that we are one in spirit. In fact spirit is life and life is spirit. Manav Dharam therefore in simplest terms ...

Hans Jayanti 11 Nov 2011

स्वामी विवेकानंद

एक बार स्वामी विवेकानंद जी को विदेश जाना पड़ा अपने गुरु महाराज जी के आदेश से तो जब वे वा पहुँचे तो सभी विदेशी लोगो ने उनका स्वागत किया और यह पूछा की भगवान कृष्ण के पीछे लोग क्यूँ भागते थे ऐसा क्या उनका प्रभाव था , तो अगले दिन स्वामी विवेकानंद ने प्रवचन किया और सबसे पहले यह कहा Dear Brothers & Sisters of America कहकर संबोधन किया तो उनके यह कहने पर पूरे दस मिनट तक तालियाँ बजती रही क्यूंकी आज तक किसी भी इंसान आए सब यही कहते थे कि Ladies & Gentleman तो विदेशी बड़े खुश हुए की भारत देश कितना महान है जहाँ के संत सबको अपना मानते हैं सबको भाई और बहिन मानते हैं तब बाद में स्वामी विवेकानंद ने सदभावना का संदेश दिया सबको सत्संग सुनाया भगवान कृष्ण की लीलायों का वर्णन किया ज्ञान का संदेश दिया मानव धर्म के बारे में बताया की क्यूँ हमको यह मनुष्य तन मिला है और कैसे हम सच्ची भक्ति करें यह बताया और कैसे अपने आप को जन्म - मरण के चक्र से बचायें कैसे हम भगवान के दर्शन अपने अंदर करने के लिए आत्मज्ञान को जानने के लिए कहा |, बाद में उनके प्रवचन सुनकर सभी विदेश मंत्र मुग्ध हो गये , बा...
WHO IS GURU MAHARAJ JI? "The sun comes and goes away but we don't look for the light of day which has just gone. We look for the new rising sun. The sun is there, but it rises in a new beautiful way, and we look for that. In the same way, God is the same, but now we look for Him to come, in a new way, to give His Knowledge. Jesus gave this Knowledge, Krishna gave this Knowledge, but now we must loo k again for a new Master to show us the light. "I have not come to establish a new religion or sect, but I have come to give you Knowledge of Truth. If you come to me with a guileless heart you will surely receive this most ancient spiritual Knowledge, which, if practiced upon, will give us perfect peace of mind." Shri Satpal Ji Maharaj
बंदउँ गुरु पद कंज कृपा सिंधु नररूप हरि। महामोह तम पुंज जासु बचन रबि कर निकर॥5॥ भावार्थ:- मैं उन गुरु महाराज के चरणकमल की वंदना करता हूँ, जो कृपा के समुद्र और नर रूप में श्री हरि ही हैं और जिनके वचन महामोह रूपी घने अन्धकार का नाश करने के लिए सूर्य किरणों के समूह   बंदऊँ गुरु पद पदुम परागा। सुरुचि सुबास सरस अनुरागा॥ अमिअ मूरिमय चूरन चारू। समन सकल भव रुज परिवारू॥1॥  भावार्थ:- मैं गुरु महाराज के चरण कमलों की रज की वन्दना करता हूँ, जो सुरुचि (सुंदर स्वाद), सुगंध तथा अनुराग रूपी रस से पूर्ण है। वह अमर मूल (संजीवनी जड़ी) का सुंदर चूर्ण है, जो सम्पूर्ण भव रोगों के परिवार को नाश करने वाला है