The Self in each one of us and the Universal Self are one in essence. Once the living links with God are revived and the channel opened, man regains God-consciousness. Spiritual Knowledge doesn't refer to information acquired via the senses or from books, but to the knowledge which is revealed from within, to the revelation and wisdom emanating from the depths of the inner Self. The sacred and revealed books of all times and civilisations glorify this Knowledge. They place man at the pinnacle of creation, because human beings can reach the plane of absolute Truth, Consciousness and Bliss and thus realise the ultimate Reality. Lord Buddha said, “There is a state where there is neither earth nor water, nor heat, nor air...neither infinity of is without stability, without change. Here is the cessation of sorrow.” Jesus Christ was describing this state when he said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you” and, “Don't you know that you are the temples of God and the Spi...